Friday, July 6, 2012

Hawaiian Banana by Levity Wellness

On Hawaiian Banana:

First, it's a HEAVY indica strain.  Good for what aches you, but watch out for the listlessness that can creep up on your motivation.  Highly medicinal batch here.

I tried it for a few days in a row to really get a grip on it.

First day:  Felt peaceful, relaxed, and had some energy

Third day:  Felt depressed and fatigued, but fairly relaxed.

So here I write, kind of depressed and fatigued.  I'm sure the stress of the Waldo Canyon fire didn't help, but there it is.

I urge caution for people with depressive tendancies or mood disorders to use this strain CAREFULLY.  Use it at most once a week.

Otherwise, the first day, I felt really peaceful and relaxed.  Also I had some good energy going on, so I got some stressful things done on which I had been quite the procrastinator.

Third day, like I indicated, extremely strong fatigue.  It still had the body buzz, but going 3 days without any Sativa seems to not be good for me.  So back on a Sativa I go.

I'm writing this review after two days of being on Sativas and I'm still feeling limited energy, so I guess the strength of this Hawaiian Banana is going to take a few days to get out of my system.

On Levity Wellness:

Still lovely people.  Still lovely and thoughtful decor.

I have previously reviewed Levity Wellness.  You can click on their name in the labels section to the right.


  1. First of all, I am certainly capable of making mistakes. I appreciate the correction. Traditionally, Hawaiian Banana is supposed to be 100% Sativa, however I also need to go by what the dispensary posts or tells me about their particular strain.
    Second, I have never seen a 100% Sativa strain listed as such in any of the dispensaries I go to. The highest I have seen is 90%.
    I recall Levity Wellness's Hawaiian Banana being listed as a hybrid (in the 50/50 field) in their shop. If someone from Levity wants to correct me, I'm happy to be corrected. This strain's effect on me was decently in the indica category. Now, that could be because they have adjusted the strain or for some other reason.
    As I wrote when I started this blog, I'm doing this to open communication in the Colorado Springs community about our local providers and their products.
    Thanks for your contribution. My review is now clarified. :-)

    1. Just double-checked the bottle that Levity Wellness gave me. The label flat out says "Hawaiian Banana" and "indica" on the label.
      So if labeling it as an indica is idiotic, then I don't believe the fault lies with me.

      On a side note, I prefer to give constructive criticism, but your reply seems to indicate you're a wanker. As I said, Trolls will be shot, but I will let your reply stand since you are correct about Hawaiian Banana in general. :-)

    2. This site says "hybrid"

    3. Levity has a great Hawaiian banana. There's is mostly indica . Please don't get me started on pheno types. Ect. I would say its 80/20 . And wonder woman is the best medical herbs I have found
